

Vivz Fashion School è stata fondata da Vivek Pawar e Arti Rai 6 anni fa. Finora, hanno fatto una serie di sfilate e settimane della moda in India e hanno anche fatto sfilate a Londra, Milano e New York in collaborazione con MM Milano e who’s who of the society. Nel 2020, il duo ha fatto la propria sfilata a Dubai in collaborazione con MM Milano che si chiamava Dubai World Fashion Week. La sfilata ha visto la partecipazione di designer di talento come Sanabel, M M Milano, Skechers, Vidhi Karva Couture, Via Del Corso, Two Kids, Afra, Pia Bolte, Young Gods. E per Fashion And Excellence Awards abbiamo alcune personalità di spicco che ricevono i premi: Rahul Tulpule, Rizwan Adatia, Usha Kakade, Rosemin Manji, Munumun Ghosh, Michael Cinco, Sunil Manjrekar, Abhimanyu Choudhary, Kushal Bhatt, Shahid, Sua eccellenza Sheikh Dr B U Abdullah, Samrat Karva E gli ospiti speciali erano Sua Eccellenza Sheikh Dr Saeed Bin Tahnoon Al Nahyan, H E Mr Zulfiquar S Ghadiyali, Sheikha Dr hind bint Abdul Aziz al qassimi, H E Sheikh sultan Al-Qasimi “Abbiamo la fortuna di poter fare qualcosa di cui siamo incredibilmente appassionati. Incontrare nuove persone, lavorare con nomi così talentuosi e costruire eventi da zero è qualcosa che Arti e io ci divertiamo a fare e continueremo a farlo sempre ”, afferma Grasim Mr India, Pawar. Parlando dei loro piani futuri, condividono che faranno il loro spettacolo a Londra nel settembre 2021.

Vivz Fashion School was founded by Vivek Pawar and Arti Rai 6 years ago. So far, they have done a number of fashion shows and fashion weeks in India and have also been doing shows in London, Milan and New York in collaboration with MM Milano and who’s who of the society.
In 2020, the duo did their own show in Dubai in collaboration with MM Milano which went by the name of Dubai World Fashion Week. The show saw talented designers such as Sanabel, M M Milano, Skechers, Vidhi Karva Couture, Via Del Corso, Two Kids ,Afra, Pia Bolte, Young Gods, participate in the event.
And for Fashion And Excellence Awards we have some prominent personalities receiving the awards:
Rahul Tulpule, Rizwan Adatia, Usha Kakade, Rosemin Manji, Munumun Ghosh , Michael Cinco, Sunil Manjrekar, Abhimanyu Choudhary, Kushal Bhatt, Shahid , His excellency Sheikh Dr B U Abdullah, Samrat Karva
And special guests were HIs Excellency Sheikh Dr Saeed Bin Tahnoon Al Nahyan , H E Mr Zulfiquar S Ghadiyali , Sheikha Dr hind bint Abdul Aziz al qassimi , H E Sheikh sultan Al-Qasimi
“We are blessed to be able to do something that we are incredibly passionate about. Meeting new people, getting to work with such talented names and building events from scratch is something that Arti and me enjoy doing and will continue to always do so,” says Grasim Mr India, Pawar.
Talking about their future plans, they share that they are doing their show in London in September 2021.

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